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Case Study | Co-Construction on AI Subject with Higher Vocational Education Institutions

In 2021, iBay partnered with one of the Higher Vocational Education Institutions to co-construct the AI Technology subject. This project is implemented under the School-Enterprise Cooperation approach, which is designed with half-and-half ( studying+ practice training, with 1.5 year respectively) model, and accreditation  will be awarded, aiming to develop 300 AI and data science specialist in the next 3 years.


     Co-construction of AI Technology subject


· Curriculum design and implementation

· AI Technology

· Big Data Technology

· Industrial Internet Technology

· Information Security Technology Application

· Combine teaching and practicing


     AI Laboratories


· Co-construction of lab Computing power

· Underly frameworks AI algorithm application technology and scenario applications

· Super computing Center

· Lab and cloud experimental environments


     Online Teaching & Practicing


· Co-construction of Cloud based AI Practicing platform and online teaching platform

· Facilitating resolution of combing online and offline integrated teaching and practicing approach

· Tailored programs


     Professional Certification Test


· Establishment of test centres in Henan

· Microsoft AI basic certification AI-900

· Big Data Analysis Practical Application (Data Labeling)

· Certificate of the MIIT* & MOE*  1+X Certificates

· Industrial Internet data planning application (beginner, intermediate & advanced)


     Intern & Employment


· Industry market leader

· Partner companies

· Science and Technology Industrial Park


* MIIT: Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

* MOE: Ministry of Education